
Mel Teti Naturopathy offers a blend of Healing, Coaching, Mentoring, and Teaching.
Naturopathy is the main modality utilised in regard to healing. Healing is about restoring harmony and optimising function. Our bodies are always seeking and moving towards a state of health and harmony, for that is our body's natural state when not disturbed. When in states of dis-ease, the task then becomes how to bring about a restoration of harmony. Considering what may need to be added in – whether this is working with nutrition, water, minerals, sunlight, herbal medicines, other natural remedies, and/or lifestyle changes. As well as looking at what obstacles to cure may need to be removed – again this could be what we’re eating and drinking, and other aspects such as the environment we place ourselves in, the people we surround ourselves with, exposure to environmental toxins, our thought and emotion patterns, and more.
At the core of this healing and restoration of harmony is a healthy relationship with self, nature, and spirit. This requires a connection with and awareness of ourselves physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and our environment. With healthy foundations built upon self-love, self-respect, and self-esteem, so that we can be selfless and generous, giving from our overflow, with strongy healthy boundaries set at unconditional love and above. We are one with our environment, and the environment is one with us.